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Class Information
Our classes are appropriate for both divorcing parents and parents who were never married.
We offer a co-parenting class, Children in Between, and a special class for high conflict parents, After the Storm.
The classes use a mix of discussion, videos, group work and workbook activities, designed to maintain the interest and attention span of adults. Click here for schedule or to register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949
Children in Between focuses on several key areas:
1-Children in the Middle: Parents learn to recognize how they may put their children in the middle of parental conflicts, how to minimize doing this and how to coach their children to let them know when they feel caught in the middle.
2- Communication Skills: Using “I” messages to minimize defensive arguments, staying on one topic at a time, and learning how to actively listen to the other parent.
3- Conflict Resolutions Techniques: Focusing on needs vs. positions, using good communication skills, avoiding deadly topics, etc.
After the Storm is for high conflict cases. It includes all of the information from the Children in Between, and also adds guidelines for conflict management and parallel parenting as well as skill development and detailed practice exercise to help parents implement skills to reduce their conflict.
Standard Fee
Class fees are $55 per person and includes all materials. We accept cash or credit/debit cards. To register or view schedule click here. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949 For questions contact us at divorce@casamc.org or 683-5880.
Sliding Scale Fee
We also offer a sliding scale fee for low income families based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If you believe you qualify for a reduced fee, please email us at divorce@casamc.org or call our office at 683-5880.
Certificate of Completion
A certificate of completion will be issued to each participant who completes the class at the end of each session. A copy of the certificate will be filed with court. To expedite the process we will email a copy of the certificate to the courts within 24 hour of completion, followed with a signed hard copy distributed by hand directly to the court.
Spanish Classes
We also offer Spanish speaking classes for both Children in Between (co-parenting class) and After the Storm (high conflict class). To register for a Spanish class email us at divorce@casamc.org or call 683-5880.
Clases de español
También ofrecemos clases de habla hispana tanto para niños en el medio (clase de crianza conjunta) como después de la tormenta (clase de conflicto alto). Para registrarse para una clase de español envíenos un correo electrónico a divorce@casamc.org o llame al 683-5880.
Class Information
Our classes are appropriate for both divorcing parents and parents who were never married.
We offer a co-parenting class, Children in Between, and a special class for high conflict parents, After the Storm.
The classes use a mix of discussion, videos, group work and workbook activities, designed to maintain the interest and attention span of adults. Click here for schedule or to register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949
Children in Between focuses on several key areas:
1-Children in the Middle: Parents learn to recognize how they may put their children in the middle of parental conflicts, how to minimize doing this and how to coach their children to let them know when they feel caught in the middle.
2- Communication Skills: Using “I” messages to minimize defensive arguments, staying on one topic at a time, and learning how to actively listen to the other parent.
3- Conflict Resolutions Techniques: Focusing on needs vs. positions, using good communication skills, avoiding deadly topics, etc.
After the Storm is for high conflict cases. It includes all of the information from the Children in Between, and also adds guidelines for conflict management and parallel parenting as well as skill development and detailed practice exercise to help parents implement skills to reduce their conflict.
Standard Fee
Class fees are $55 per person and includes all materials. We accept cash or credit/debit cards. To register or view schedule click here. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949 For questions contact us at divorce@casamc.org or 683-5880.
Sliding Scale Fee
We also offer a sliding scale fee for low income families based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If you believe you qualify for a reduced fee, please email us at divorce@casamc.org or call our office at 683-5880.
Certificate of Completion
A certificate of completion will be issued to each participant who completes the class at the end of each session. A copy of the certificate will be filed with court. To expedite the process we will email a copy of the certificate to the courts within 24 hour of completion, followed with a signed hard copy distributed by hand directly to the court.
Spanish Classes
We also offer Spanish speaking classes for both Children in Between (co-parenting class) and After the Storm (high conflict class). To register for a Spanish class email us at divorce@casamc.org or call 683-5880.
Clases de español
También ofrecemos clases de habla hispana tanto para niños en el medio (clase de crianza conjunta) como después de la tormenta (clase de conflicto alto). Para registrarse para una clase de español envíenos un correo electrónico a divorce@casamc.org o llame al 683-5880.

¿Qué hacen los voluntarios de CASA?
Los voluntarios de CASA escuchan primero y luego actúan. Los voluntarios llegan a conocer al niño hablando con todo el mundo que haya sido parte de la vida del niño: padres y familiares, padres adoptivos, maestros, médicos, abogados, trabajadores sociales y otros. Entonces ellos usan la información que reúnen para informar al juez sobre el estado del caso y el bienestar del niño.
¿Quién puede ser voluntario?
Usted no tiene que ser un abogado o trabajador social para ser un voluntario. Damos la bienvenida a gente de todos los estilos de vida Simplemente buscamos personas que se preocupan por los niños y que tengan sentido común. Como voluntario, usted será entrenado a fondo y estará apoyado por personal profesional para ayudarle en cada caso. Usted debe pasar una verificación de antecedentes, participar en un curso de capacitación previa al servicio de 30 horas y estar de acuerdo y comprometerse con un caso hasta que se cierre (por lo general cada caso dura año y medio).
¿Por qué ser voluntario?
Como voluntario de CASA estarás facultado ante los tribunales para ser la voz de un niño que ha sido abusado. En muchos casos, el voluntario de CASA es un adulto constante en la vida del niño, quien protegerá su derecho a ser tratado con la dignidad y el respeto que cada niño merece. No sólo traerás un cambio positivo en las vidas de estos niños vulnerables, sino también a futuras generaciones y al hacerlo, también enriquecerás tu vida.
¿Cómo hacen los voluntarios de CASA para ayudar a los niños?
Los voluntarios de CASA son nombrados por los jueces para vigilar y proteger el caso del niño, para asegurarse de que no se pierda en el sistema legal, o se queden indefinidamente en hogares de paso. Los voluntarios se comprometen con cada caso hasta que se cierra y el niño es ubicado en un hogar seguro y permanente, ya sea de vuelta con su familia o en un hogar adoptivo. Para muchos niños abusados , el voluntario de CASA será la presencia constante de un adulto en sus vidas. Investigaciones independientes han demostrado que los niños con la presencia de un voluntario de CASA tienen sustancialmente menos probabilidades de pasar tiempo en un hogar de paso a largo plazo y menos riesgos de reingreso.
Listo para Speak Up para un niño que te necesita ?
Para mayor información envíe un correo a 970-242-4191 o info@casamc.org
o información de fecha y ubicación para las próximas noches de información contacta nuestra oficina.